EcoAldea La Bella
Linares, El Maule Region
The First Conservation Right established in Chile.The Conservation Law Center, in support ofFundación Buenas Tierras
The Eco Village La Bella is an association or community project, which is oriented towards social rebuilding, integral education, promotion of personal development and spirituality, free expression of the arts, bio-construction, agriculture and organic production, healthy life practices. , the reduction and recycling of waste, the organization of meetings and ceremonies, ecotourism, the creation and production of innovative and responsible products and services.
The ‘vision’ of the Ecovillage is oriented towards the development of a harmonious life, where peace, communication, care for the others, empathy and respect for nature prevail.
In the village, life in harmony with nature is promoted through the implementation of a comprehensive conservation plan under a conservation right, which was the first conservation right established in Chile (June 2016).
The mission of the Eco-village is to create and sustain a village that is a good place for living for those who reside in it and a coherent example of sustainability and harmony, for those who visit it and come in contact with its activities and members.
In this way, our village aims to contribute to the cultural change of humanity, which allows all beings to achieve a healthy life at a physical and spiritual level and participate together in the achievement of progressive happiness and peace in the local and planetary community.

Raulintal Área Protegida Reserva Natural
An island of Raulí in an evergreen environment, temperate rain forest.The Second Conservation Right of Chile Soon to be Up-Graded by theConservation Law Center in order to achieve New Financing Strategies
Raulintal Protected Area Natural Reserve of more than 2,000 hectares is located in the Cordillera de la Costa, entirely in the city of La Unión, Capital of the Ranco Province of the Los Ríos Region. Through this same route you have access to the ancient larch trees of incomparable beauty of the Alerce Costero National Park, adjacent and also present in the Raulintal Protected Area Natural Reserve.
This entire area is characterized mainly by presenting a rich biological and cultural diversity, hosting one of the highest concentrations of endemic species in the country.
For more information visit

Hacienda El Durazno – DRC Desarrollado por Nuestro Centro Canela
Coquimbo Region
Fundación Centro de Derecho de Conservación, Fundación Llampangui – CONAF
In 2018, with the pro-bono support of our Conservation Law Center Foundation, the first ´Public´ Conservation right in Chile was established. In favor of the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF). Likewise, a Conservation Right was established with our support and drafting with the Llampangui Foundation.

Photos of the Signature Day with Mr. Manuel Pinto and Family together with the director of the Dr. Jaime Ubilla Center. Don Manuel Pinto is also a director of the Conservation Law Center.
Hacienda El Durazno Park is a 6,300-hectare estate located in the south of the Coquimbo Region. The park is in a transition zone between the desert and the Mediterranean climate, so it presents a very rich ecosystem and at the same time very vulnerable to global changes and human interventions.
The park houses an ecosystem that corresponds to a highly vulnerable priority biodiversity site. It is possible to find native flora typical of the Chilean arid, such as the guayacán (Porlieria chilensis), the añañuca (Placea amoena) and the uvilla (Monttea chilensis), and fauna such as the puma (Felix concolor), the chinchilla (chinchilla lanigera) and the Northern Woodpecker (Picoides lignarius). The property also stands out for its scientific interest, cultural heritage and traditional uses such as transhumance.
In 2018, with the pro-bono support of our Conservation Law Center Foundation, a second DRC agreement with the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) was established on the property, on specific environmental attributes, which spans 40 renewable years. Together, these DRCs protect all property.
Today the Llampangui Foundation manages the Hacienda El Durazno park and acts as the holder of a Conservation Right that covers the natural heritage of the park, in order to preserve its natural and cultural heritage for the local community.
The conservation right agreed in 2018 becomes the first public-private link of this nature, with the aim of complementing the work carried out by CONAF in the Las Chinchillas National Reserve, and thus promoting programs for the restoration and protection of biodiversity. In this way, Hacienda el Durazno is a bold and innovative conservation initiative.
For more information visit:

The Conservation Right for Reserva Cerro Paine y AMA Foundation Torres del Paine
Torres del Paine

The NGO AMA Torres del Paine (Since 2016), was born as AMA Environmental Group in 2004. This organization operates within the Cerro Paine Reserve with the aim of supporting and promoting conservation, scientific research and environmental education in the commune by Torres del Payne.
The Cerro Paine Reserve is a private property owned by the Kusanovic family that is surrounded by the Torres del Paine National Park (PNTP) in the Magallanes Region and the Chilean Antarctic.
Pioneers in the area and with a long tradition in the development of livestock, the Kusanovic family, without leaving their identity, leaned towards tourist activity in 1992. Both activities coexisted until 2013, when they decided to move the cattle off the property with the vision of transforming the territory into a Protected Area under the standards designated by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This important decision marks a milestone for the development of the territory as a natural and cultural landscape conservation area.
In the development and course of its history, the NGO AMA Torres del Paine has addressed different environmental problems, the most important and dramatic being the occurrence of the mega fire that affected the PNTP in 2005, which devastated 250 hectares of the Reserve. Among the extensive list of projects and actions that the NGO AMA has carried out in Torres del Paine are: the maintenance of trails and signage, the award of research projects, agreements and joint works with study houses and research centers , the creation and maintenance of a volunteer service, environmental education school camps, censuses of huemules and native bumblebees, support for CONAF, studies of the puma and the condor, scientific symposia, reforestation campaigns and a forest nursery.
Currently, the NGO AMA is the administrator of the Territory Management Plan, and as part of the challenge, it is working on the recognition of the Cerro Paine Reserve as a Category V Protected Area – IUCN. Learn more about the Cerro Paine Reserve at:
P For additional information see
Conservation Right at the EcoVillage Patagonia Río Cisnes
Aysen Region
Conservation Law Center, in support of Fundación Buenas Tierras y Futura Fundación EcoAldea Aysen

The Eco Village La Bella is an association or community project, which is oriented towards social rebuilding, integral education, promotion of personal development and spirituality, free expression of the arts, bio-construction, agriculture and organic production, healthy life practices. , the reduction and recycling of waste, the organization of meetings and ceremonies, ecotourism, the creation and production of innovative and responsible products and services.
The ‘vision’ of the Ecovillage is oriented towards the development of a harmonious life, where peace, communication, care for the others, empathy and respect for nature prevail.
In the village, life in harmony with nature is promoted through the implementation of a comprehensive conservation plan under a conservation right, which was the first conservation right established in Chile (June 2016).
The mission of the Eco-village is to create and sustain a village that is a good place for living for those who reside in it and a coherent example of sustainability and harmony, for those who visit it and come in contact with its activities and members.
In this way, our village aims to contribute to the cultural change of humanity, which allows all beings to achieve a healthy life at a physical and spiritual level and participate together in the achievement of progressive happiness and peace in the local and planetary community.
El Almendro Protected Area in the Maipo Water Basin Area
Metropolitan region Conservation Right
Conservation Law Center Foundation, under the initiative of Mrs. Gertrudis Kruckel

The conservation project in El Almendro covers an approximate area of about 7,000 hectares and is aimed at protecting not only the corresponding Mediterranean climate ecosystems but also the ecosystem´s regulating functions of Maipo river, which is critical for the sustainability of the city of Santiago.
The project is under development and further information will be supplemented in due course.
El Tangue Protected Area
Coquimbo region Conservation Right
Conservation Law Center Foundation, under the initiative of the El Tangue Agricultural Society

The “El Tangue” conservation project involves the conservation of a property of more than 40 thousand hectares in the Coquimbo Region that connects the Los Andes mountain range with the Pacific Ocean and that includes different ecosystems and wetlands.
The project is under development and further information shall be supplemented in due course.